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Mona Lisa's Living Descendants Found

Mona Lisa's Living Descendants Natalia Guicciardini Strozzi,and IrinaAfter historians' recent discovery that Mona Lisa, known as Lisa Gherardini in Italy, the mystery woman with enigmatic smile in Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece Mona Lisa was actually the wife of a silk merchant named Francesco del Giocondo, an Italian genealogist has since identified two living descendants of Lisa Gherardini. They are Natalia Guicciardini Strozzi, 30, and her sister, Irina, 24, of Cusano, both of the two women also with the enchanting smile.

[Natalia and her sister, Irina] have been told since they were little girls that they are descendants of the Mona Lisa.

Natalia said: “My mother and grandmother had already talked about this. We were touched the way the family stories were handed down the generations. We are very happy, but we also feel it is a real sense of responsibility.”

Natalia, who is an actress and former ballerina, and Irina, an economist and a concert pianist, both have a dark, enigmatic beauty like their illustrious predecessor. Natalia added: “It’s wonderful to be able to say that we are modern women but we are preserving the extraordinary memories of the past.”
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